Sunday, October 31, 2010

©Amintiri din copilarie [clasele V-VIII] Part.1

Avand in vedere faptul ca a trecut abia o luna de cand sunt la liceu [da,da,locul ala unde se afla cei mai frumosi ani din viata ],m-am gandit sa scriu despre scoala generala,adica despre anii frumosi ai copilariei. Inainte sa incep,as vrea sa spun faptul ca pentru mine clasele I-IV nu au fost cine stie ce si nici nu-mi prea amintesc atatea detalii de atunci,asa ca o sa trec direct la anii care si-au pus amprenta asupra mea:cei din gimnaziu

INTRODUCERE: Am facut parte dintr-o clasa plina de copii destepti si consider ca totusi am fost uniti..Precizez ca am fost la A asa ca shhh!

Bun,deci...clasa a V-a am inceput-o putin cam trist.Eram certata cu cea mai buna prietena din clasa a IV-a asa ca ma simteam cam prost.
Am stat in clasa cuuu..aaaa God knows, si apoi m-am imprietenit cu doua colege care au fost cele mai bune prietene ale mele pe parcursul clasei a cincea..[Mereu am avut o problema cu "cine e cea mai buna prietena a mea", ]
Deci cum spuneam,am fost prietene bune,bla bla...dar mi-am petrecut toata clasa a cincea cantand melodiile celor de la RBD [n-o s-o uit niciodata p-aia cu "Salvame" ] si balindu-ma la un tip care era a opta. Da,recunosc ca mi-a placut de el toata clasa a cincea,dar asta este poveste veche si cand ma gandesc ma apuca rasu.
N-am sa uit cum ma jucam cu un coleg,Cezar,leapsa si ajunsesem intr-un stadiu in care luam scaunele pe sus si ne alergam cu ele prin clasa. [E evident ca niciunu dintre noi nu era constient de faptul ca putem sa dam in cap vreunui coleg,important era sa ne jucam]
O alta intamplare trasnita:
Toata clasa in curtea scolii,jucandu-se "Tara,tara vrem ostasi". :
       Echipa adversa:" Tara,tara vrem ostasi..o vrem pe Nicoleta"
        Echipa mea:"Hai Nicoleta,fugi."
[Ma pregatesc eu,incep sa alerg,prind viteza si intru exact in mainile unor colegi care nici ca m-au lasat sa trec,facand astfel o foarfeca de toata frumusetea. ]
       Colegii:"Esti bine????
       Bogdan:"Mama! Zici ca erai la wrestling asa ai cazut.Foarte tare!!!"
       Eu:" "
      Colegii:" ......"
La sfarsitul clasei a cincea insa,am trecut prin niste certuri de care nu as vrea sa vorbesc,insa totul s-a terminat cu bine.
                                                                                                     Va urma...


                          Where there is no imagination there is no horror.
    "Those seemingly interminable dark walks between houses, long before street-lit safety became an issue, were more adrenalizing than the mountains of candy filling the sack.  Sadly Halloween, with our good-natured attempts to protect the little ones, from the increasingly dangerous traffic and increasingly sick adults, has become an utter bore." -

                                                                                                     Lauren Springer                                                   

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Apartment 1303


        Azi am vazut pentru prima data un film de groaza singura.:)) N-a fost prea amuzant dat fiind faptul ca ma tot uitam prin camera sa vad daca e cineva langa mine.
             Filmul pe care l-am vazut este "Apartment 1303",un film horror japonez. Trebuie sa recunosc ca japonezii se pricep la filme de groaza.Cand ti-e lumea mai draga atunci se intampla ceva si iti sar toti ficatii.:)))
             "Apartment 1303" este un film despre o fata care se muta in apartamentul 1303 de la etajul 13 si,in timp ce celebra alaturi de prieteni mutarea sa incepe sa se poarte ciudat si sare de la balcon.Dupa moartea sa,mama acesteia innebuneste iar sora mai mare,Mariko decide sa investigheze moartea surorii sale mai mici. Ea afla de la un detectiv ca multe alte femei s-au aruncat de la balcon inaintea surorii sale si gaseste o carte despre povestea unei fete Yukiyo si a mamei sale,primele proprietare ale  apartamentului,astfel descoperind adevarul despre moartea surorii sale.

   [PS]: Trailerul este cu un post mai sus . ^^

Friday, October 22, 2010

©What is Death?

         I have few questions about Death.

  1.              Are you scared of Death?
  2.              True or False : With 3 days before we die our shadow dissappear.
  3.               Can we feel when we are dying?
  4.                What happen after we die?

         I started this discussion about Death because it is a normal phenomenon,not because I am EMO. :))
    I had recently  a death in my family so I want to talk about death. I am scared of death.Why? Because if I die I leave this life with all its advantages and disadvantages. I leave my family in sorrow,I leave my friends in sadness...
         Someone who was dear to me since I was born is not here anymore. It`s a painfull feeling.Can we feel when we are dying? [3] I don`t think so...If my grandfather [one of the most important persons in my life] was alive I would ask him about it.
           I will never understand why do we die? When you have family,friends,relatives,whatever, why do you have to leave everything back?

"Don't strew me with roses after I'm dead.
When Death claims the light of my brow,
No flowers of life will cheer me: instead
You may give me my roses now!"  - Thomas F. Healey

               I gave to my grandpa flowers,I held his hand but he wasn`t there anymore. I don`t know where his soul was,but his body was dead. I couldn`t make him wake up...

"Thus that which is the most awful of evils, death, is nothing to us, since when we exist there is no death, and when there is death we do not exist."  - Epicurus
                   When there is death we do not exist...this is true.We are NOTHING when we die!

          In the end of this post I have one more quote:
                     "Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die." - Amelia Burr

 Sorry if my english sucks. ^__^

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

©Ninge! =)

Double Dee : ningeee :X
Nico!: e ninge
Nico!: ce-ai femeie? :|

Double Dee: ninge ma :|
Nico!: iar te-ai scrantit?

Double Dee: nu
Double Dee: NINGE
Nico!: serios?
Nico!: ia sa ma uit pe fereastra
Double Dee: uitate
Nico!: eu cand iti spun ca te-ai scrantit..PLOUA
Nico!: nu ninge
Double Dee: ninge ma
Nico!: ploua ma cum naiba sa ninga?? o_O
Nico!: s-a uitat si tata
Nico!: si PLOUA
Double Dee: nico te rog sa nu-mi strici visu

Nico!: aa..asa mai discutam..pai atunci daaa ninge!


Monday, October 18, 2010

©O dupa-amiaza ploioasa.

               Ea sta la masa din cafeneaua goala. Doar un barbat mai in varsta isi varsa amarul de o ora in ceasca goala demult.Se uita lung in ceasca alba si din cand in cand priveste la ceas.
               Fata intoarce capul si deschide la intamplare revista pe care abia si-o cumparase de la chioscul unde vindea un batranel simpatic si amabil. Primul titlu care ii apare este "True love"..."Hmm...dragostea adevarata.." gandi ea afisand un zambet subtil.Ofta si se uita pe geamul de langa masa unde era asezata. Afara era agitatie.Masinile treceau una dupa alta,oamenii mergeau cu repeziciune,iar cainii se ascundeau pe sub masinile parcate. Ploua...era o dupa-amiaza ploioasa."Oare ce m-a facut sa ies din casa pe vremea asta? Puteam sa stau linistita acasa si sa ma uit la televizor..."
               Dintr-o data usa cafenelei se deschise.Fata tresari si observa ca barbatul care se chinuia sa bea ceasca aia amarata de cafea disparuse."Pana si el a plecat...". Nu urma mult si o umbrela rosie se inchise in usa.Apoi intra in cafenea un baiat inalt si cu un zambet pe chip...

Sunday, October 17, 2010


When sun sets dusk and streets are cleared,
this town's renegade is near.
Standing tall, awaiting host
wha'ts it like to see a ghost?
Both outlaws equal, yes indeed,
a one shot rhythm to the gunsling
so long my sweet.
Bye Bye.

Standin' alone in soot and stone,
he draws from this holster, a man.
Crawlin' alone through the soot and stone,
he makes his way home half to death.

He clenched his fist and said a prayer, for every breath of dusty air.
He fires loud,
the end is close,
what's it like to be a ghost?
Both outlaws equal, yes indeed, a one shot rhythm to the gunsling,
so long my sweet.

I hear those voices calling,
"take your life"
I cannot take this lying down.

Standin' alone in soot and stone,
he draws from this holster, a man.
Crawlin' alone through the soot and stone,
he makes his way home half to death.

In time. In vain.
I wash my hands, of yesterday.
If I should fall,
if I should pass,
it's worth one last stand before the gates of hell.

I hear those voices calling,
"take your life"
I cannot take this lying down.

Standin' alone in soot and stone,
he draws from this holster, a man.
Crawlin' alone through the soot and stone,
he makes his way home half to death.

In time. In vain.
I wash my hands, of yesterday.
If I should fall,
if I should pass,
it's worth one last stand before the gates of hell.